SubjectsPlus is a free and open source tool to help manage several interrelated parts of your library website.

Download & Install
download icon

latest release available in Github

Create Users
user icon you have a staff list!

Add Resources
resource icon

...and a database list!

Create Research Guides
guide icon

for a subject, course or topic


  • Create Guides
    Create unlimited Research Guides via drag'n'drop interface
  • Staff List
    Sorted A-Z, By Department, By Librarian
  • Database List
    A-Z, By Format, By Subject
  • FAQs
    Store your FAQs in one handy place, integrate them anywhere
  • Suggestion Box
    Easy way to display and respond to patron comments
  • Installer/Updater
    Makes running & managing SP simpler
  • Multilingual
    French & Spanish versions included; new translations coming!
  • API
    Use your data in other applications
  • Customizable
    You have complete control; add your own headers & footers, tweak the layout & css


SubjectsPlus sprang from the loins (more or less) of Pirate Source, developed by the Joyner Library at East Carolina University. It became abandonware, and with permission, an expanded version of this original software was open sourced and renamed SubjectsPlus. Development was undertaken at the Ithaca College Library, and now the University of Miami Libraries.

SP is licensed under the GNU GPL.


Many people have contributed to SP over the years.


Oh. Sorry to hear you're having trouble. This is what I'd do:

  • Check the wiki
    There's a lot of information there, including troubleshooting tips.
  • Post to the Google Group
    Most problems have been encountered before, and someone generally responds pretty quickly. You could search the archives, too.
  • And there are some videos on YouTube.